Thursday 17 December 2020

Blog Update - Don't Eat That Yellow Snow

Hey up, Eddie here with a quick update for you all!

Whilst I may be quiet at the moment (focusing on radio stuff), I'm still working on two blogs to be posted here.  One is a look at the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (minus non-cannon material, sorry Fantastic Four, X-Men and Deadpool fans).  That is proving to be a challenge, so working on a three-parter for that one.  Having to re-watch them all is fun, but also very time consuming, especially with other films/TV/YouTube content to watch.  Either way, I intend to post the first part within the next few weeks, so there is that.  I watched the recent Marvel TV/Film announcements and I'm very excited for Wandavision, Blade, The Eternals and the concepts of both She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel. 

I'm also going to write my thoughts about AEW (All Elite Wrestling) and WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).  For those of you who do not know, I'm a big wrestling fan and I'm under no illusion that it's not a real sport (in terms of these shows at least).  But the people in the ring are professional athletes, even if VKM is determined to call them otherwise for tax reasons.  They must be at peak condition (for the most part) to do half their move sets.  For what seems like an eternity, WWE has been the only big name in the game.  Sure, TNA/Impact tried (and sadly failed), whilst other promotions such as Ring of Honour never quite hit the big time (sadly).  However, with the rise of AEW on the scene, WWE is now facing some competion on a national scale that they have not faced since the start of WCW.  So, I want to do a few posts about that.

I will also be looking at the Star Wars universe again with Attack of the Clones, which is (spolier alert) my least favourite of the series.  To watch this again will be akin to dipping my private parts in battery acid for fun. However, I have started the series, so I will continue.  But I hold little hope that my thoughts on AotC will miraculously change with another view.  Speaking of Star Wars, the recent announcements for the future are interest to say the least, especially Rogue Squadron with Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman/Monster).  At the time of writing, I'm yet to watch the second series of The Mandalorian.  Not because I hated the first series, quite the opposite.  I just want to watch it all in one go, damn Netflix for making binge watching a thing!

It's also around this time of year that people do there end of year lists.  As 2020 has been harsh on the film industry, I cannot honest do a top 5 films list without it be older movies, let alone a top 20.  I will be posting my top 20 albums, with another few lists as well. Nothing as big as I used to do with All The Time I Was Listening To My Own Wall of Sound, but it will be posted after I've made the announcement on Attention Please, airing on Nova Radio North East 102.5FM on 28th December 2020.

So, that is me up to date here.  Not expecting much traction from this post, but that is not what this blog is about. :-)
